Mega Man X Trilogy Crossover release 2023 January 20th Video Games

Mega Man X Trilogy Crossover release 2023 January 20th Video Games

The game is a collection of remasters and crossovers of the first three titles in the Mega Man X series: Mega Man X, Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3, which were all originally developed by Capcom for the SNES. The game is set for release on January 20, 2023.

Reable may crossover characters of Kirino Kousaka, Ayase Aragaki, Kanako Kurusu, Saori Makishima.

Simba: What are you doing?

Timon: Good question! Now let me ask one.

Pumbaa: Hippo-thetically...

Timon: Very hypo-thetical, there's this guy...

Pumbaa: But he's not a lion...

Timon:No! No, he's not a lion... yeesh. (Simba is looking amused) Definitely not a lion. And, uh... uh... her cat, um, turn human. blast KO, Star KO.

Simba: Screen KO is Not?

Don't worry Zazu

You did what you should never do any open see

Has there ever been a crossover with characters

Kasumi: It's Ok Hearmy, Churmy. (Re-release Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake 2018 March 16th Video Games)

  • Pumbaa: What do we do? What do we do?!
  • Timon: There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa. "When they going gets tough, they tough get going." That's our motto!
  • Pumbaa: I thought our motto was "HAKUNA MATATA"?
  • Timon: Pumbaa, stop living in the past! We need the new motto! (Timon and Pumbaa run screaming into the battle, trying to appear as menacing as they can.) Take That! Crazy Lion!
  • Pumbaa: (chaesd by lions) Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!
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Ichigo Momomiya's Evolution release 2011 January 27th PSP Video Games, 2017 June 30th Playstation 4 Video Games, 2017 November 9th Nintendo Switch Video Games, 2018 December 27th Nintendo Switch Video Games


  1. Mega Man X Trilogy Crossover release 2023 January 20th Video Games, El Kabong save the animals from Pumbaa tackle Cocytus being crashes into ship, Elephant calling animals then safely, El Kabong get trampled & Despicable Me 4 get destroyed being shutdown by animals.

    Poor Spongebob's Magical Adventure, SpongeBob Squarepants save the animals from Pumbaa tackle Cocytus being crashes into ship, Elephant calling animals then safely, Spongebob get trampled being injured his butt & armpits by animals. (I Had An Accident Episode)

    SpongeBob: Okay, guys, really, this is your saddest attempt yet. Even Spook knows that's Patrick in the same costume that he wore for Halloween last year.

  2. gruntz10

    ichigomomomiya12 gruntz 10 Deviantart

    kirinoayase 880327ab Fanpop


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